About Me

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This site is for educational purposes only, and to built a reptile community for all the reptile lovers out there. I also do reptile rescue, reptile sitting (short and long term), and reptile extraction, lol but it happens. I'm in San Diego, and if you need to give up your reptile, for whatever reason, give me a call at 619-971-6672, and my name is Cisko.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Brown widow playing dead, for two days.
Brown widow, orang hour glass on bottom belly.

Brown widow orange hour glass under belly, it's weird.

Brown widow, still playing dead.

The brown widow spider, Latrodectus geometricus
The Situation: The brown widow spider, Latrodectus geometricus, became established in Southern California in early 2000 and has become well entrenched as part of the local spider fauna in urban Los Angeles and San Diego. The brown widow spider is continuing its expansion in Southern California and could possibly move northward into Central California.
The brown widow is suspected to have evolved in Africa although it was first described from South America, which adds confusion as to where it might have originated. The Brown Widow Spider is a cosmopolitan tropical and subtropical spider having established populations in Hawaii, Florida, some Caribbean Islands, parts of Australia, South Africa, Japan, and Cyprus. In North America, the Brown Widow Spider was restricted for many decades to the Florida peninsula. However, around the year 2000, it started showing up in other Gulf Coast states. Brown widows are now known from Texas to Georgia and South Carolina. As specimens were found in new locations in the southeastern United States, this species was simultaneously being collected with greater frequency in southern California. The first specimens were collected in Torrance in 2003. After that, the spider was found with greater frequency in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties.
Description of the Brown Widow: Unlike its starkly black-and-red colored relative, the black widow, the coloration of a brown widow consists of a mottling of tan and brown with black accent marking. In mature females, there is usually a dorsal longitudinal abdominal stripe and three diagonal stripes on each flank. At the top of each diagonal stripe, there is a black mark, which is rather conspicuous and square-ish. The Brown Widow Spider does have an hourglass but it is typically an orange shade rather than the vivid red of a black widow. The brown widow looks similar to immatures of the western black widow spider, the latter of which has smaller black spots on the top of the diagonal abdominal stripes and more olive grey background coloration. Being able to discern brown widows from immature black widows is therefore difficult and requires some experience. However, a more diagnostic feature of a brown widow is its egg sac. Most spider egg sacs that are free (i.e., are not attached to flat surfaces) look like a lemon drop candy or a little cotton ball with indistinct edges. The egg sac of a brown widow has multiple silk spicules projecting out from the surface. The egg sac has been described as looking like a large pollen grain or a World War II harbor mine designed to blow up ships. The egg sac of the Brown Widow Spider is so distinctive that it is readily recognizable.
Reproduction: Brown widows are prolific breeders in that they can produce many egg sacs in a lifetime, often several in quick sequence. They lay about 80 eggs per sac and can make 20 egg sacs over a lifetime. In comparison, the larger western black widow spiders lay about 300 eggs per sac but only make 10 or so egg sacs before they die.
Habitat Preferences: The brown widow builds its web in secluded, protected sites around homes and in woody vegetation with branches. Some typical sites selected by brown widows for web building are empty containers such as buckets and nursery pots, mail boxes, entry way corners, under eaves, storage closets and garages, recessed hand grips of plastic garbage cans, undercarriages of motor vehicles that are stationary for long periods, and the undersides of outdoor furniture and wrought iron railings. They choose places that are more exposed than sites chosen by black widows and hence, appear to be at higher risk for interactions with humans as for as bites are concerned.
Spider Bites: The bite of a brown widow spider is minor in comparison to that of a black widow. Although one frequently cited study demonstrates that, drop per drop, brown widow spider venom is as toxic as other widow species, venom toxicity is only one aspect when considering a spider's bite potential. An African study with 15 verified bites demonstrated that the brown widow spider bite victims showed none of the classic symptoms of latrodectism, a response induced by neurotoxins in the venom of spiders in the genus Latrodectus (e.g., brown widows, black widows [L. mactans], Australian redbacks [L. hasselti], European black widow [L. tredecimguttatus], and New Zealand's katipo spider [L. katipo]). The reason for the weaker effect of brown widow bites on humans is possibly because the brown widow does not have or cannot inject as much venom as its larger relatives. The two major symptoms of a brown widow bite were that the bite hurt when it was inflicted and it left a red mark. These two symptoms are not much different from the bite of normal household spiders. However, there is one recent report of a verified brown widow bite manifesting in more severe symptoms that required hospitalization of the bite victim.
Brown widows appear to be occupying the same niche as black widows so therefore, there may be a shift in the species composition. Amusingly, the first finds of brown widows at the Torrance school were sprayed with insecticide to attempt to eliminate them. In comparison, probably every school in the Los Angeles Unified School District has specimens of the more dangerous native western black widow spider on its property. Considering that the brown widow is less dangerous and may be supplanting the native western black widow from habitats, it is conceivable that the risk of serious injury from overall spider bite may decrease in southern California as the brown widow spreads.
Control of Brown Widows: There is no specific information regarding the control of brown widows by insecticides. Most current advice is what is used for controlling spiders in general. Therefore, most commerically available insecticides should work on brown widows. Take care to spray up into holes and crevices. Reducing clutter around the house and in the garage should eliminate nest sites for them. Also, one should store garage items in zip closure plastic bags where there might be interactions with spiders. These items include rarely worn garments such as gardening clothes and gloves, recreational items like sports equipment (i.e., baseball gloves, roller skates) and other items where spiders can crawl up into holes where fingers can be inserted.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Brown Widow

Hey everyone, this is the brown widow that I found. It just played dead, as soon as I touched the web. More to come.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chinese Water Dragon

The Physignathus cocincinus or the Chinese water dragon is also called by other names that include Asian water dragon and Green water dragon. Native to the Asian continent, Chinese water dragon are a sub-species of the Physignathus lesueurii or water dragon, which is mainly found in Australia. Their life span varied from ten to twenty years.When it comes to size, adult males reach lengths of about 3 feet including the tail, and the females tend to be smaller, reaching lengths of about 2 feet. A major portion of the overall length of the Chinese water dragon is made up of the tail.What do Chinese Water Dragons look like?Chinese water dragons or green water dragons are generally green in color, but can range from a dark green to a lighter shade of green. You’ll always find vertical slanted stripes of either turquoise or green on the lizard’s body.The belly is usually white or pale yellow in color and their distinguishing features are their throats that are very colorful, ranging from yellow to orange to peach. The tails are long and narrow and have green and brown bands and are generally used as powerful weapons that the dragon uses to defend itself. In comparison, the adult males have larger heads than the adult females and have larger crests on the backs of their head and neck.Caring for your Chinese Water DragonGreen water dragons make some of the best pets ever! If you are planning on keeping a Chinese water dragon as a pet, here are a couple of tips to help you when caring for your new found pet:
Enclosure – Chinese water dragons need big enclosures. The smallest sized enclosure you can get for an adult is an enclosure that is 6 feet in length, 3 feet in depth and about 6 feet in height. But remember that these enclosures will have to be custom made and are going to be expensive. Until and unless you find out what your dragons sex is, it would be better to keep only one dragon – a male and a female will generally get along, but two females or two males will always display aggression unless they are given a lot of space.
Furnishing the Enclosure – For safety purpose, choose furnishings that wont cause any damage if ingested. Potting soils should be sterilized and covered with sphagnum moss, which is good for humidity. A good mix of soil, peat, sand, cypress mulch, paper and Astroturf is also good. Lots of branches should be put in for climbing purposes. Plants like hibiscus, pothos, staghorn ferns, dracena, and ficus also make good additions.
Water and Humidity – Chinese water dragons need a lot of water. The water source should be deep and large so that the dragon can comfortably submerge itself in it. Clean the water on a daily basis. Humidity should be kept at around 80 percent and the enclosure needs to be misted at least once or twice daily. Live potted plants will help with the humidity.
Lighting and Heat – Ideally, daytime temperature should be kept somewhere between 84 – 88 degrees F, with a spot for basking at 90 degrees F. The night temperatures should be dropped to 75 – 80 degrees F. A combination of ceramic heat element, basking light, under tank heat tape and heat pads should be used. A UVA/UVB fluorescent lighting fixture can also be used. Feeding Chinese Water DragonsYou can feed your dragon anything from mealworms, earthworms, butter worms, and wax worms to crickets, grasshoppers and locusts. Adult dragons can be fed kingworms and pinkie mice. All insects should first be gut loaded. It is best to discourage your dragon from catching wild insects and fireflies as they are all potentially toxic. A small amount of chopped fruits and vegetables can be offered. Try dandelion, mustard greens, collards, parsnips, carrots, sweet potato, and yellow or orange squash.Fruits should be fed in smaller quantities than vegetables – strawberries, mangos, figs, raspberries, cantaloupe and papayas are ideal.Juveniles and hatchlings have to be fed daily, and adults can be fed every second or third day. The best way to figure out how much to feed your Chinese water dragon is to analyze its body condition – chubby dragons should be fed less while the skinnier ones should be fed more. Calcium and vitamin D3 supplements are also good for the dragons.

Reptile Facts

Facts about Reptiles
Reptiles are found in every continent except Antarctica.
Reptiles have existed for more than 300 million years.
There are more than 8000 reptile species in the world.
Reptiles are lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles as well as the lesser-known groups of tuataras and amphisbaenians.
Reptiles have scales or horny plates that cover their body.
You will often find reptiles lying in the sun on rocks and logs.
They can rarely breath underwater.
Reptiles are called cold-blooded because they can't regulate their own body temperature. Their body temperature is dependent on the external temperature.
Most reptiles lay eggs which have leathery shells that are resistant to drying.
As compared to mammals and birds, reptiles have neither fur nor feathers.
The extinct dinosaurs were reptiles.
Reptiles fertilize their eggs internally and don’t use water as a medium in which to lay eggs.
A majority of reptiles have a three-chambered heart.
Some reptiles produce live young.
In most reptile species, the young are independent from the moment they've hatched.
The longest snake is the reticulated python and the heaviest is the anaconda.Reptiles do not form a distinct evolutionary group as mammals and birds do. The Class Reptilia consists of four orders, which are very different from each other. For instance, lizards are more closely related to birds than to turtles. Crocodilia refer to crocodiles and alligators. The order Rhynchocephalia contains only two species known as tuataras, which are native to New Zealand. Squamata refers to lizards, snakes and other similar creatures. All turtle species are included in the Testudines order.
Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard.
In very hot or dry climates, some reptiles will estivate, or go into a torpor.
If a snake is born with two heads, its both heads fight each other for food.
They have waterproof skin.
A crocodile has an ability to grow new teeth to replace the old teeth.
An interesting fact is that a crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
The Egyptians used crocodile dung as the first contraceptive in human history in 2000 B.C.
Some snakes such as anaconda and reticulated python can survive for months before eating.
The earth is inhabited by at least 250 species of turtles, 25 species of crocodilians, 5,500 species of snakes and 3,000 species of lizards.
Reptiles have more advanced circulatory, respiratory, excretory, and nervous systems than the amphibians.
The largest reptile is the saltwater crocodile, which grows up to 23 feet in length.
Some snakes are poisonous, or venomous. They have fangs, which bite into their prey and inject poison into it.
Once upon a time, snakes had legs and a new discovery has revealed that at least one had hips, too. The newly discovered snake species, Najash rionegrina, lived around 90 million years ago in Patagonia, Argentina.
Lorne Greene had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while he was hosting ‘Lorne Green’s Wild Kingdom’.
Many giant tortoises (Geochelone) have lived for 120 to 150 years.
Certain lizards, such as the chameleon, can change colors to blend into their environment. This camouflages them and gives them protection from the predators.
There are more venomous snakes than non-venomous snakes in the Australian continent.
The basilisk lizards can run across the surface of water without sinking.
Most snake species can dislocate their jaw, allowing them to swallow prey much larger than themselves.
Snakes don't have limbs. They move by slithering along the ground.
Most reptiles are carnivorous and eat insects, other reptiles, and small animals.
A few reptiles are herbivorous, eating plants.
Interestingly, turtles were present on earth before the dinosaurs.
Although reptiles breathe through lungs, certain reptiles can also absorb oxygen in water through membranes in their mouth.
Amazingly, the distance between an alligator’s eyes, in inches, is directly proportional to the length of the alligator in feet.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pastel Boa (reptile)

This Pastel Boa is ready to be re-homed. She is like 50in. and has some very beautiful light colored saddles, with a nice bright Red Tail. She is very Docile, and has a great temperment. If interested, I'm in San Diego, so if your local, we can meet.

Mexican Boa

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Cisko Mclovin While I have not personally bred my boas (yet, but have plans for it once they come of age) my uncle has many times, and is friends with a reptile breeder/owner of a specialty store in Columbus, OH. He has bred boas many times, as well as a wide assortment of colubrids, ball pythons, burmese pythons, reticulated pythons, etcetera .Anyhow, they both agree that boa constrictor (red-tail boas) and boa constrictor imperator (common boas) can be bred at about 4.5 feet. This means the females could be bred at two years, but shouldn't be bred until three or four years (until six feet) or unless stunting is inevitable. Males can be bred at four feet without risk of stunting. If you hold any interest in viewing the website of my uncle's friend's business, it is

Thursday, November 5, 2009

mexican boas

Peruvian Boa from Rio Bravo Reptiles CanCun, Mexico Boas
( Boa c. imperator )

We have been producing these beautiful boas since the early 1990s. CanCun boas are moderately sized, mature early and breed easily at our latitudes here in the USA. Ours will breed first at age three while still slightly under 1.3 meters (4 feet). Large mature females from our breeding group are under 2 meters long. CanCun boas are strongly patterned and very colorful. They are among the more calm of the boas from Mexico.

Peruvian Boa from Rio Bravo ReptilesCanCun Mexican Boa photographed in the wild
( Boa c. imperator )

An extraordinary example of a colorful High Pattern Density (HPD) boa. From the upper Yucatan peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Peruvian Boa from Rio Bravo Reptiles Dwarf or Tarahumara Mexico Boa
( Boa c. imperator )

Sierra Tarahumara lies in the northern states of Chihuahua and Sonora Mexico. These areas of high peaks, forested plateaus and deeply eroded riparian canyons are sometimes referred to as Sky Islands in the desert. It is here at altitudes of 4000’ or more where these “dwarf” boas (B. constrictor imperator.) originated.

History in culture
A researcher from the University of Arizona (UA) brought back a single pair of these boas in the mid 1990’s. That pair made their way into the private sector where soon after an Arizona collector bred them. That first breeding resulted in a single live male. In the 1998/1999 season they bred again, ten babies with a high male ratio were born. Rio Bravo Reptiles did acquire a male/female pair of these boas in early 2001 from an associate here in Texas. By the winter of ‘02 the 3-1/2 year old boas had grown to 37” in length. In 2002 both myself and Graham Criglow of Bryan, TX successfully produced healthy litters of Tarahumara dwarf boas. Prior to these breedings there existed only the original 13 animals (1.1 WC original pair, 1.0 1st breeding baby and 0.0.10 2nd breeding babies) in our hobby. The pair maintained here and those previously held by Mr. Criglow (who helped with this info) are the only Tarahumara boas known to have been kept together and bred pure for their unique locality. Rio Bravo Reptiles has since acquired that breeding pair and is committed to keeping these boas alive in culture.

What is a dwarf Boa?
Genetics and food availability combine to determine the adult size of boas in captivity. A locality or form could be considered dwarf if individuals reach sexual maturity and give viable young without complication at a significantly smaller size and mass. Mainland populations of Boa constrictor properly managed mature in 3-5 years at 5 to 6 feet in length, depending upon the subspecies and to a lesser extent the locality. The imperator sub-species generally will mature earlier at a somewhat smaller size than the B. constrictor c. Some insular forms (Corn Is. as an example) can and do breed successfully at lengths just over 40”. The Tarahumara boas bred and gave birth while still less than 38” long with a mass of 1.6 kilograms.

It is not known how large the Tarahumara boas would become if fed aggressively over a period of years. However, other mainland forms of Boa managed similarly would have attained lengths of 5 feet or more in the same period of time. And deliberately rationing food to keep Boas small inhibits their ability to reproduce. The Tarahumara boas are true dwarfs.

Peruvian Boa from Rio Bravo ReptilesNewborn Dwarf or Tarahumara Mexico Boa
( Boa c. imperator )

Neonate Tarahumara boas are strongly patterned. Of particular interest are the head markings. These little babies will mature and breed at age 3 years while still less than .98 meters (38”) long.

Peruvian Boa from Rio Bravo Reptiles Orange Phase Sonoran Boa
( Boa c. imperator )
The Sonoran boas have the highest average saddle-count of all the imperator. These orange-phase examples, most likely first produced by Marcia Lincoln, are sometimes offered for sale as Hypo-Sonorans.

About Boas from Mexico (Boa constrictor imperator)

Habitat for Boa in Mexico includes desert and semi-desert scrub, coastal mangrove swamps, tropical and sub-tropical forest and cloud-forest and remnant northern boreal forest which persist in sky islands above the deserts in the north of the country, at altitudes of sea level to around 5000’ above sea level. The subtle variety in color and pattern of Mexican imperator may confuse locality-oriented keepers and breeders and make locality of origin nearly impossible to accurately determine from casual observation alone.

A general description of Mexico boas could be; a small to moderately large Boa from 1 to about 2.6 meters in length. Mexican boas are generally more heavily patterned than many localities of Boa, or have a high pattern density (HPD) and are marked with well-defined, heavy black or dark-brown dorsal saddles numbering 24-31. Dorsal saddles usually have numerous inclusions and are connected in a continuous or near continuous line. Background color can be tan, chocolate, orange, grey, charcoal, silver or any combination of those colors. Tail or caudal markings vary from entirely black, brown or orange to brick and only sometimes a dull red.

For evolutionary reasons we will likely never understand practically all boas from Mexico will at some time display a startling and imposing defensive behaviour. This display consists of a tightening and bowing of the body, rearing and/or flattening of the head and coiling or writhing of the tail. If these warning signs are ignored the boa will usually take in a body-full of air and emit a loud hissing sound from the epi-glottis equal to the very best any bullsnake or pinesnake can deliver. If this performance still fails to make the threat go away, they will strike. A patient keeper, proper caging and gentle handling will usually result in a very handleable if not completely docile pet.
Quick facts

Photo Bytes

Class: Reptilia (Reptiles)
Order: Squamata
Family: Boidae
• Boinae
• Erycinae
Genera: 11
Species: 41
Size: longest—anaconda Eunectes murinus, up to 30 feet (9 meters); shortest—Arabian sand boa Eryx jayakari and elegant sand boa Eryx elegans, both up to 16 inches (40 centimeters)
Weight: heaviest—anaconda, up to 280 pounds (127 kilograms)
Life span: up to 35 years
Number of young: 4 to 40, depending on species
Gestation: 50 to 180 days, depending on species
Size at birth: typically 6 to 24 inches (15 to 61 centimeters), depending on species; up to 2 feet (0.6 meters) from large anaconda mothers
Age of maturity: 3 years
Conservation status: Round Island keel-scaled boa Casarea dussumieri, Madagascar ground boa Acrantophis madagascariensis, and Madagascar tree boa Sanzinia madagascariensis are some of the endangered boas; many others are vulnerable.
Fun facts

• Boa "a large serpent” in Latin.
• Female anacondas grow much larger than the males.
• Boa constrictors like to eat bats! They catch them by hanging from tree branches or the mouths of caves and knocking the bats out of the air as they fly by.
• When some boa species want to mate, several males coil around a female in a ball and wrestle with one another for up to two weeks before one wins—or the female makes a choice.
• The rosy boa Lichanura trivirgata and the rubber boa Charina bottae are the only two species of boas native to the United States.
See them

Range: western North America, Central America, South America, Africa, Madagascar, western Asia, and Pacific Islands
Habitat: rain forests, swamps, woodlands, grasslands, savannas, and semidesert scrublands

Boas, pythons, and anacondas: What’s the difference?

Because boa constrictors, reticulated pythons, and anacondas are some of the biggest snakes in the world, many people get confused about which is which. The first thing to note is that the anaconda is a species of boa, not a separate type of snake. That leaves two groups, the boas and the pythons. These snakes have some things in common: they are constrictors, killing their prey by wrapping around it and suffocating it, and they are considered primitive snakes with two lungs (most snakes only have one) and remnants of hind legs and pelvic bones. But they have differences, too. Pythons have one more bone in their heads than boas do and some additional teeth, and pythons are found in the Old World (Africa, Asia, Australia) while boas live in both the Old World and the New World (North, Central, and South America). One of the biggest differences is that pythons lay eggs while boas give birth to live young.
Putting the squeeze on dinner

Boas are constrictors, meaning that they grab their prey with their teeth, then quickly wrap their coiled bodies around the prey and squeeze. But they don’t actually crush the prey and break its bones. They just squeeze tightly so that the prey animal’s lungs cannot expand and it suffocates. The snake then begins the leisurely process of unhinging its jaw and swallowing the prey whole, usually headfirst. Rhythmic muscular contractions pull the prey down the snake’s throat and into its stomach. How does the snake breathe while its mouth is full? It has a special tube in the bottom of its mouth that remains open to one side to take in air.

A hot meal

Boas are ambush hunters. They remain still and hidden until a possible meal comes close, then strike forward quickly to catch it. Boas flick their tongues in and out to catch scent particles from the air. This way of "smelling” helps them find their prey. Most species also have special temperature-sensitive scales around their mouths, with lots of nerve endings that can sense the heat of a nearby animal. This allows them to find prey even in the dark or among dense foliage. The tree boas have "pits,” or holes, along their mouths that do the same thing, like their relatives the pythons do. Depending on the size of the snake, boas may eat rodents, birds, lizards, frogs, and small to medium-sized mammals like opossums, monkeys, pigs, or deer. Some anacondas have been known to eat animals as large as a young tapir or even a caiman. At the San Diego Zoo, our boas eat rodents and rabbits that have been killed for them.

A snake that gives birth

Boas do not lay eggs. Instead, they give birth to live young. The young are attached to a yolk sac and surrounded by a clear membrane, not a shell, as they develop in their mother’s body. That way they are kept at a fairly constant temperature and are protected from predators. When the young are ready to be born, they are pushed out an opening called the cloaca. They are still surrounded by the protective membrane and must break it open. Then they are on their own to start protecting themselves (usually by hiding at first) and to find food. Most are smaller versions of the adults and instinctively know how to survive on their own.

"Walk” a straight line

Because of the large size many boas can reach, they move by traveling forward in a straight line, which is known as "rectilinear progression.” This is accomplished by stiffening the ribs to provide support, then lifting a set of ventral (on the belly) scales and moving them forward so the loose ends grip the surface, pushing the snake ahead. This type of movement works on the ground as well as in trees, and boas can even climb smooth surfaces. They can’t move very fast, though, only about 1 mile per hour (1.6 kilometers per hour) on open ground. But since they don’t have to chase their food, they don’t need to travel quickly.

Not the bad guys

Boas often appear in movies and stories that take place in the jungle, usually as the "villain” sliding menacingly through the trees. That’s probably because these big snakes make a big impression! But boas are usually pretty quiet and calm and don’t deserve their nasty reputation. They are not venomous, and many do not live in jungles. Boas are found in a variety of habitats, including open woodlands—like the rainbow boa Epicrates cenchria—and rocky, semi-desert scrublands—like the Egyptian sand boa Eryx colubrinus. The ones that live in dry environments usually hang out in rock crevices or in underground burrows made by other animals. The ones that live in forests blend into the leaf litter on the ground to stay hidden. All in all, a boa would rather avoid people than go looking for trouble!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Western Pennsylvania Reptile Expo

The Western Pennsylvania Reptile Expo is this Sunday, August 2nd and then again on October 18th and December 6th, 2009 at the Mars VFW Hall, located at 323 Mars-Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046. The Expo is from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Cost for admission is $4.00 per person and children 5 years old or younger are admitted for free. More info can be found at parepexpo.com or by calling (724)991-6658. At the Expo you can see and select from thousands of reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, feeder foods, habitats, novelty items and more. All...

Red Tail Boa

Red-tail Boa Constrictor - Boa constrictor constrictor

In the wild, the red-tailed boa lives in a wide range of habitats, from high cloud forests to dry low lands. It is also frequently found near towns, where it preys on the rats and mice that often accompany populated areas. The red-tailed boa also feeds on other small mammals, amphibians, lizards, other snakes and birds. There are several subspecies of boa constrictor (species name boa constrictor) that are found in the pet trade. Red tailed boas (Boa constrictor constrictor) are commonly found in the pet trade

Before committing to ownership of a boa constrictor, be sure you will be able to handle the size and strength of a full grown snake for the 25-30 years your snake might live. A full grown boa constrictor (red tailed) will reach 8-10 feet long and weigh up to 50 pounds. These are very muscular and thick bodied snakes. While generally quite docile in temperament, it is important to respect the inherent strength of these animals and that could inflict serious injury to a person. I would consider this an advanced handler pet. Unless you have had snakes before and are committed your pets health AND have appropriate space available to cage an animal this size - do not buy one. Additionally - small dogs and cats are prey to an adult red tail boa - remember this.


Average Size - The average hatchling is about 16-18 inches long, and adults can pretty easily reach 10 feet and 50+ pounds.

Life Span - On average 20 - 30 years.

Diet - Primarily rodents such as mice and rats - full grown adults can eat rabbits.

Feeding - They only need to be fed every week or two. Young snakes should be fed fuzzy mice every 5-7 days, older snakes should be fed increasingly larger prey and can go a little longer (i.e. 10 - 14 days). Use pre-killed prey as live rodents can injure a snake - dangling the prey in front of the snake with forceps usually gets the snake interested. Adults will need to feed on rats and even rabbits!

If your snake stops eating, carefully examine the husbandry, handling, health, and environment of the snake to make sure stress isn't the culprit. Consult a knowledgeable vet or experienced keeper for help if the fast is prolonged or causing weight loss. If necessary, some tricks to entice a boa to eat include dipping the prey in chicken broth, trying different colors of prey, exposing the brain of the prey before feeding it, feeding at night, covering the cage with towels after offering a mouse.

Housing - Young red tail boas (16-28 inches) will do pretty good in a ten gallon size enclosure (20x10x12 inches). A cage amounting to ¾ square foot per foot of snake is what will be needed as an adult. Shelves can and should be used to increase floor space and allow somewhere to "go" when active. A shelf also allows a warmer basking site, while forming a cooler area underneath.

Substrate - The substrate of the habitat should be easy to maintain. I have tried bark etc and frankly these snakes can crap up a storm. The best bet is just clean linoleum, plain paper or astroturf. red tail boa

- Provide a hiding place. A half-log is available at pet stores. An empty cardboard box or upside-down plastic container, both with an access doorway cut into one end, can also be used when the red tailed boa is young. The plastic is easily cleaned when necessary; the box can be tossed out when soiled and replaced with a new one. The box or log must be big enough for the snake to hide its entire body inside; if you start with a small one, you will need to eventually replace it as your snake grows. Red tail boas prefer dark places for sleeping and, as they are nocturnal, they like the dark place during our daylight hours. Place a nice climbing branch or two in the tank or cage

Temperature - . The ambient daytime air temperature throughout the enclosure must be maintained between 82-90 F, with a basking area kept at 90-95 F. At night, the ambient air temperature may be allowed to drop down no lower than 78-85 F. Special reptile heating pads that are manufactured to maintain a temperature about 20o higher than the air temperature may be used inside the enclosure. There are adhesive pads that can be stuck to the underside of a glass enclosure. You can also use incandescent light bulbs in porcelain and metal reflector hoods to provide the additional heat required for the basking area, or ceramic heating elements which can be put into regular light sockets and radiate heat downward.

Lighting - No special lighting is needed. Red tail boas are nocturnal snakes, spending their days in the wild securely hidden away from possible predators. To make it easier to see your boa during the day, you can use a full-spectrum light or low wattage incandescent bulb in the enclosure during the day. Make sure the snake cannot get into direct contact with the light bulbs.

Water - provide a dish large enough for the snake to soak in. I use the bottom of a cat litter box. Soaking is especially important during sheds. Some owners like to provide a covered dish (e.g. plastic storage container) with a hole in the lid, to provide security for the snake so it will soak longer if necessary. Another alternative is to provide a humidity retreat, which similarly uses a covered container with an access hole lined with damp sphagnum moss to provide the moisture (a water dish is still provided outside the retreat).

Recommended Supplies:

  • Habitat with secure lid
  • Thermometer
  • Light timer
  • Misting bottle
  • Substrate
  • Incandescent light or ceramic heater
  • Book on boa constrictors
Habitat Maintenance Change water daily remove droppings. Thoroughly clean the tank at least once each week: set boa aside in a secure habitat - a snake/reptile bag works well; scrub the tank and furnishings with a 3% bleach solution; rinse thoroughly with water, removing all smell of bleach; dry the tank and furnishings; and add clean substrate 7 FT Boa

Grooming and Hygiene When cleaning housing, check boa for any abrasions, signs of parasites or or fungal infections. Always wash your hands before and after touching your snake or habitat contents to help prevent Salmonella and other infectious diseases

Captive Breeding Status - Sexing a Red tail boas is relatively easy. Like all pythons and boas, they have anal spurs. These claw-like structures are about 2" - 3" from the tip of the tail. Males have longer spurs than females. The spurs are thought to be evolutionary remnants of hind legs. Males also tend to have smaller heads than females. Mating usually requires a mild cooling or partial hibernation period. These snakes are live bearers Their gestation period can range from four to six months. The litters are large with up to 30 babies, each about 24 inches (61 cm)

Signs of a Healthy Pet:

  • Clear eyes
  • Clear nose and mouth
  • Active and alert
  • Eats regularly
  • Healthy skin
Common Health Issues and Red Flags:

  • Vomiting
  • Discharge in nose or mouth
  • Lethargy
  • Abnormal feces
  • Decreased appetite
  • Cloudy eyes

If you notice any of these signs, please contact your exotic animal veterinarian.

As with all pets in this category, it is important that you find a veterinarian that practices in EXOTICS – this is critical. The typical small animal practitioner may not have sufficient knowledge in this area. Even this guide is general in nature and should not be used to diagnose your pet.

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